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Ferius Parfax

Ferius Parfax was also on the weekend of my first Comic Con, and was one of my first cosplays I have ever done. She is a character from Sebastien De Castell's book series Spellslinger and when I read his books I fell in love with this sassy 'badass' character and wanted so badly to get into her boots. However, upon reading through the books again I couldn't find any description of Ferius' attire and on a whim I got in touch with De Castell inquiring about Ferius' lower half attire. I was stunned and so grateful when he replied to me with inside knowledge and extra tips about this fantastic character.

All of the costume I sourced together based on De Castell's descriptions and I even made Ferius' cards all by hand; right from drawing the designs on them to cutting them out, scanning copies and laminating them - All 43 of them! To add to the character's flare I died my hair red, though without bleaching it it was only a redder version of my hair rather than the fiery red of Ferius'.

De Castell included my cosplay on his website [Ferius Parfax Live!] and I was sourced by some Spellslinger fans for cosplay advice online.

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