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Korra Cosplay

Korra was the first cosplay that I made some of the costume for from scratch. She is one of my most beloved characters that I can strongly connect to and a world that is close to my heart.
I made, from scratch, the vest top, apron, arm and wrist bands and the hair pieces. The shoes, I bought from Primark, and designed them into Korra's by adding the wool, leather and dying the bottom. The trousers were simply joggers from Primark which I hunted down for a while to find the right shade of blue. The wig I spent hours designing to Korra's hairstye. Because my hair is the same colour I would normally have styled my own hair and not use a wig, but at the time my hair was far too short to work with Korra's style.

To commit myself to my role as Korra I created a 'dance ribbon' esk replication of water, and learnt how to 'waterbend', which was in fact tai chi. I incorporated the dance ribbon and tai chi to create a routine of waterbending for both the Glasgow and Birmingham Comic Con visits.

Korra was definitey a popular character amongst the Comic Con visitors, a beloved childhood character from a well-renowned and hugey successful franchise - Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra.

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