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Lara Croft Cosplay

Whilst I enjoy a good game, I wouldn't say that I am a huge gamer nor do I divulge heavily in too many gaming worlds - however, the Tomb Raider franchise is a gaming world that I love. This is because it is
one of the few games that follow a story/journey that is gripping and intreaging. This is why after playing Legend I became engrossed in the world as a whole, and not just the games.

My favourite version of Tomb Raider's Lara Croft is Alicia Vikander's version in the 2018 film and that is why I decided to cosplay as her for my second Comic Con. It was once more a matter of piecing together the costume elements from websites so in the end the thing that took up most of my time was my hair, makeup and weapons.

I used hair extensions as my hair was short at the time and pulled it back into a looped pony tail. The makeup replicated Lara at the end of the movie with the cuts and gashes being made up from liquid latex, fake blood, bloody scab and red and black paint. I used brown powder contour makeup and foundation powder to recreate the dirty look and dyed the bandages with teabags and a blood stain for the wounded area.

The ice axe was 3D printed and I painted it, added tea stained medical tape on it and string. Whilst the bow wasn't created by me, the arrows and the arrow holster I created from scratch. I decided to create them like the Tomb Raider's set from the game Rise of the Tomb Raider which I thought looked more authentic.

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